Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Meeting #1: Daisy/Mom Orientation

Kick off the Daisy year right!  Make your first "meeting" a Mother/Scout combined meeting where everyone can get to know each other and have a peek at how you will run your meetings this year.  You can get forms and basic info to every parent, and the girls feel more comfortable with Mom nearby.

Here's everything you need to make your first Daisy meeting a success:

Meeting #1
  • Markers & crayons box*
  • Scissors & glue box*
  • Trefoil nametags
  • Small American flag**
  • Promise and Law posters*
  • Silk daisy flower for circle sharing**
  • Kaper chart*
  • Snack box
  • Felt petals
  • Glitter glue, Sharpies for decorating petals*
  • Cooking/food magazines**
  • Flower cookies, white icing, and diced fruit for decorating cookies**
  • Napkins**
  • Drinks for each girl**
  • Items for First Aid Kit**
*Should be part of your Daisy Troop Box; bring to all meetings
**Send out a Sign-Up Genius to all the Moms before the meeting asking them to bring these items and save yourself some time and money!

Pre-Meeting:  As the girls come in, decorate trefoil nametags and trace Promise on back (have trefoil name tags threaded with yarn and each girl's name written before they come in).   When they are done, they can color assorted Daisy coloring sheets.  Moms fill out forms.

Opening & Business: Stand in horseshoe, do pledge and say Promise and Law.  Pass a daisy, introduce their Mom and say one thing about themselves.  

 Make New Friends
Make new friends,
But keep the old.
One is silver and the other gold.

A circle is round,
It has no end.
That’s how long I want to be your friend.

With the girls, brainstorm a list of things they expect to do as Daisies, and another list to remember so that the troop can be safe and have fun at meetings. (i.e. listen to instructions, ask an adult before you go to the bathroom, etc.). Introduce Kaper Chart and talk about duties. Show sample vest, talk about earning patches and petals.

Activity &:
  Snack:  A third of the girls use glitter glue to decorate felt petal with their name on it for Troop Flag.   A third ice daisy sugar cookies and decorate with fruit to look like petals, with blueberry in center.  Last third cut out food pictures from magazine to decorate Troop Snack Box.  Rotate as they finish.

Closing: Do Daisy Hands (ask girls questions about the meeting, having them respond with a vote from zero to five fingers).  Do friendship squeeze.  Girl starts making a wish and sending a squeeze around the circle.  When the girl who began the squeeze gets it back she says, “Goodbye Daisy Girl Scouts.”  Everyone says “1-2-3 Goodbye Daisy Girl Scouts” and untwists out of the circle.

Pass out vests and patches, Make New Friends Fun Patch. 

Printables you need for this Meeting:

Trefoil nametags
Promise poster
Law poster

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